
Don Merritt (that’s me) is just a regular guy who has had a half-century of living life.  I’ve had experiences that are quite normal and typical… and some that are less common. I’ve been busy for a long time in activities that range from politics to writing to running a business to teaching Seminary… and to being a husband and father.

I am finished ghost-writing for others and writing things from a purely technical point of view; it’s my turn to write about the things that are really important in life: God, hope, faith, understanding and encouragement for others.  It’s my hope to do so in a way that you will find interesting, unusual and non-threatening… and at the same time challenging.

In the final analysis, I hope that what you find here will be encouraging and give hope and insight that will enrich your journey through life.

Finally, I’d just like to thank you for your visit to The Life project today. It’s always a little humbling when people stop by and check out my work, and I appreciate it more than you can know.

372 Responses to Welcome

  1. Hello, For the past few days since I returned from vacation I have taken some time to read your blog and have enjoyed them. More recently I have been found by several other bloggers who share my love of Christ. Thank you for reading and I look forward to more of your posts.

    • Thank you for your kind remarks. I have very much enjoyed your blog and would recommend it to anyone who loves Christ.

    • Steven R. Bruck says:

      I have read a few of your “drashes” and enjoy your work for the Lord. I am also very appreciative of the fact that you are also reading my blog (messianicmoment). I feel we are on the same page. I didn’t get the answer to God’s greatest attribute exactly correct- I thought it was forgiveness, but I hope you’ll agree forgiveness is pretty close to restraint. I especially like the idea that when people ask why God takes so long to avenge wrongs, it’s because he is waiting for the sinner to turn from their sin. If you really want to see God restraining Himself, read 1st and 2nd Kings and realize how much time He gave the Northern Kingdom to do T’Shuvah (atonement) before He finally acted. Same thing for the Southern Kingdom, especially since they should have learned having seen what happened to their Northern brothers. Oy- what a patient, forgiving and restraining God we have!

  2. I “Like” it ! Cool! kinda the same idea of writing differently from your perspective. Cool. And Thank you for liking mine today. Nice to meet you Don! Mine was Jesus-isms and Debating the Bible just to remind you. look forward to reading more of your blog in the future.

  3. novusanima says:

    I thank you for visiting the blog (Last Dys Resource) and I look fwd to visiting your blog and reading more in return–I know we do not have much time to do this as ‘time’ is drawing to a close, but it looks like you have some good stuff here and I look forward to that.
    May you be blessed, my brother In Christ,

    • Don Merritt says:

      Thank you for you nice comment and for all that you are doing in Christ!

      • novusanima says:


        Thank you for your kind response. I’m going to be adding you to my blogroll; I love how you say ‘the important things’ with such simplicity, care, and sincerity. You pair these truths/thoughts with beautiful pictures that add to these messages . . . It’s wonderful you have such an encouraging spirit, and it shows; it is much needed in these times.
        Be Blessed, brother

  4. 2b14u says:

    Stumbled upon your blog. Look forward to reading more from you.

  5. Hello Don,
    You recently stopped by my blog and “liked” one of my posts. Thank you for that!

    I’ve enjoyed perusing your blog and will definitely be back for more. I especially like your Sunday Bible Study notes. I try to post my sermon notes every week on my blog, and I find it such a blessing to re-think the sermon as I re-write it forthe post. Do you find that to be true, also?

    God bless you!

    • Don Merritt says:

      Thanks for stopping by Terrie!

      I’ve enjoyed your sermon notes myself…

      As to your question, I write up my class notes on Thursday and schedule them to post on Sunday, so there’s no re-write like you’re doing, but they help me to do a better teaching job on Sunday. The real blessing for me comes when I look at my blog stats for Sundays. Every Sunday the majority of blog hits are from countries where it is illegal to teach the Bible, and they are hitting my class notes. I’ll never know how this came about, but it has been a very consistent pattern for quite a few months now. To be able to get the Word of God into places where Christians are being openly persecuted for their faith makes the extra effort more than worth it!

      Keep up the good work you’re doing and I hope to hear from you again, God Bless!

      • Ah! I see I was a bit confused. You are writing your notes up in order to teach. I am writing notes as I hear our pastor’s sermon. Both ways a learning process. =)

        Was interested and blessed to see that you are getting readers in countries where the Gospel witness is limited. God has his ways of getting out His Word!

        Thanks again for you encouragement.

      • Don, that is awesome! Wow, did you ever think you would be a blogging missionary? What a blessing.

        • Don Merritt says:

          Thank you Mitchell! I must say that I never thought of it that way before.

          • I am blogging because I want to work on my writing and sermon prep. I considered blogging for a while before I chose to try it. Your story of how God is using you to help feed those where the Gospel is being persecuted has inspired me.

            I have been praising God this evening for what he is accomplishing through your blog. He can’t be stopped! Amazing… Praying for you and the ministry that God has chosen you for.

            • Don Merritt says:

              Funny thing you should say that; I wanted writing practice as well and that was my biggest motivation is starting a blog. It didn’t turn out as I had supposed it would, and it has reached people and places I never would have imagined at first. I’m sure you will find the same thing with yours. It is always an amazing thing to watch God’s plans unfold, particularly when we didn’t anticipate there being a plan involved!

      • vwoods1212 says:

        Totally awesome. Reaching the world thru blogging. Keep up the good work.

      • Anonymous says:

        This is what I love about internet ministry and outreach. From one’s kitchen or basement, or wherever one would put a computer (even from a smart phone), the world can be reached with the gospel. When I first started my blogs, I would have never dreamed I’d have readers in nearly 200 countries. For crying out loud, I didn’t even know there were that many!

  6. Don, thank you for stopping by my blog and liking one of my articles at Studying the Way. I have snooped around your blog a little today, and believe I have found myself a fellow blogger to follow. Looking forward to reading more of your writing. Thanks for your encouragement.

  7. Darrell says:

    Hi Don! I wanted to stop by and thank you for liking one of my recent posts. I appreciate you taking the time to consider the personal application of the questions. And thank you for sharing your talents and passion.

  8. Darrell says:

    Hi Don. As 2012 comes to a close, I just wanted to stop by and personally thank you for following my blog. It really means a lot that out of all the blogs out there, you decided mine was important enough to read and subscribe to.

  9. Valarie says:

    Thank you for taking the time to visit “Encouragement for every day.” I pray that it was a blessing to your heart. I look forward to sharing more with you in the future. God Bless you and the work you are doing here.

  10. gpcox says:

    Great introduction and it’s my pleasure to meet you. I’m certain to enjoy many visits here.

  11. jgmtheo says:

    Thanks for finding my attempt at blogging at “Jeffrey’s Space” . My real aim is to make Christ known and by His Grace bring glory to God and so fulfil man’s chief end. I will follow your blog and trust to receive spiritual stimulation and blessng.

    Every Blessing jgmtheo

    ps Just an observation, some of us with challenged eye-sight find reversed out print quite hard to read. I have bumped this to 200% to make it clearer.

  12. Hi Don!

    Thanks for visiting my new blog “liveasachristian”. I like what I’ve read from you. I’ll take some time to read your posts. God bless you and your little family!

  13. Thank you so much for dropping by wePoets it’s much appreciated. 🙂

  14. mwitasblog says:

    A lovely blog indeed.

  15. Thanks for the “like” on ~Just Thinking~ Looking at your “Author page” .. I believe I shall return a time or two… to your blog. So many “just real people” are needed for “such a time as this”…. thanks for being one of them… MMcC

  16. kdmanes says:

    Hi Don, thanks for visiting my blog and for the like on “Back to the Basics.” I’m glad to find you here and look forward to reading your Bible study notes.
    God bless,

  17. Thanks for reading my blog I read some of yours and find it very interesting. Catharina

  18. God in you shines – publishing for the Kingdom is a timely thing to do and it has been put at our fingertips. Just pour out your heart and let God do the rest.


  19. sellairene says:

    Hello 🙂 Greetings from Indonesia. Thanks for visiting my blog and for the liked on “Yes, Jesus Loves Me”. I am so honored.
    ow, i love your blog. God bless your vision, Don 🙂

  20. Thanks for reading my blog. I enjoy yours

  21. I have been led to some of your blogs, and the one about the Prophets, is especially well researched, and articulated, especially in light of current events happening in the United States currently. Thank you!

  22. Dear Mr. Don
    Thank you so much for visting and liking my post. I am honored. will looking forward reading your blog 🙂 Blessing.

  23. thank you for liking my post. Your blog is very interesting

  24. Hi Don!
    Thanks for following my blog. I really look forward to looking into yours and reading about life. I really want to soak up all the wisdom God has given you so my life may be filled with wisdom as well.
    God bless you more!
    – Zer

  25. fairyneedle says:

    Thank you so much for liking my blog! Writing has always been enjoyable for me but life has been insanely busy for me for many years! Now that my circumstances have changed, I’m trying my wings! I will be following your blog as well! God bless you!

  26. calebbetta says:

    Hey Don…I like the fact that in your about me section, you say you have been around for atleast half-a-century and have come to the conclusion that the most important things in life is:God who in my opinion and experience (short time i have been around-25 years) gives everyone who believes hope, as long as one lives by faith, and the Holy Spirit gives them understanding to His word and love of Jesus Christ to encourage others.

    You remind me of Solomon in the bible…after having it all (the kind of life most people only dream about), He still concludes ALL is vanity

  27. Kyle Shreve says:

    Thanks for checking out my blog and liking some posts!

    God bless

  28. hebeckonedme says:

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read our women’s ministry blog and liking it. One awesome byproduct of writing a blog is the number of connections I am able to make and the great blogs I am able to follow. It is comforting to know we can reach out to other believers and share experiences. Looking forward to reading your blog. Blessings…

  29. Mr. CATSOE says:

    Nice to meet you, sir..Thanks so much for taking the time to read my little post.
    I’m glad you enjoyed it.
    Am looking forward to reading your excellent Blog.
    God Bless..

  30. A beautiful website and a wonderful Ministry! And thank you for your support.

  31. ts4jc says:

    Thank you for stopping by my blog site, Being Christian and Transsexual – Life on the Planet Mercury, and liking my recent post, I am Fearfullly and Wonderfully Made – Part 2. I have a busy schedule today, but I hope to read some of your posts soon. ~ Lois

  32. Dan Ledwith says:

    You’ve been nominated for the Liebster award at http://danledwith.wordpress.com/2013/11/23/liebster-award/ thanks and keep writing.

    • Don Merritt says:

      Hi Dan!

      First off I’d like to thank you for the honor you have given me by nominating me for the Liebster Award and your kind comments. You and others who show such encouragement mean more to me than you know and in many ways encourage me to continue blogging, so again thank you so much!

      Second, here’s the sticky part I should decline the honor at this point because I’ve already received it; https://lifereference.wordpress.com/2011/12/09/liebster-award/ The confusion is caused by me, I must admit, for I removed the award logo from my page a short while back when I “remodeled” after it had been there for a couple of years… so how could you have known? I’m sorry about that, it hadn’t occurred to me that I would be though of for it again.

      Anyway Dan,thank you for thinking of me, and keep up the great work! Don

  33. Thank you for your support! 🙂

  34. Meandering through your blog I have found several interesting posts; always enjoy the insight of others. Too, thank you for taking a look at my recent post, My Ideal Bookshelf. I am fairly new to blogging so appreciate you stopping by my blog.

  35. simplecelt says:

    I am new to blogging. When i figure it out i will follow you. i enjoy what you have to say and how you say it.

  36. Hi Don, have been wanting to thank you for your loyal support of our American Photo Colorizing blog. Let me know if there are any family photos you’d like colorized, and I’ll give you a very nice Christmas price to thank you for “LIKE”-ing so many of our photos. It has been a great source of encouragement for me, as we build our humble business. Here’s a little “Praise Report”: I’ve just been commissioned by actress, Maureen O’Hara to colorize dozens of photos spanning her entire career. God is good – and He’s been guiding our business from Day 1. It’s nice to see your blog is Christ-focused. I’ve just subscribed. Blessings, Dave

    • Don Merritt says:

      Hey Dave! What a great praise report! Sounds like a great opportunity for you guys to get some work and referrals. I always enjoy hearing how God is working amongst His people and heaping blessings on them. I really love what you guys do with the old photos, particularly the Victorian era ones, they seem to come alive and add a touch of humanity to the old black and whites that is so much appreciated by history geeks like me. I also appreciate the offer, I just wish I still had some old black and whites, but a flood took care of that a few years back.

      Thanks so much for stopping by; may God bless you and your business!


  37. I appreciate you checking out my blog Don! God bless you friend.

  38. Mr. Melendez says:

    God bless you and your ministry!

  39. Thanks for your support! God Bless You.

  40. Thank you for visiting our Blog Don, mostly mine at the moment, Ron is very busy with Church responsibilities which is constant but he still supports me and encourages me to keep going regardless of opposition.

    Looking forward to what you will share in the future and will come back soon and look at your Bible notes, hope you won’t mind my sharing as I’m lead in response.

    Christmas Love, Joy and Blessings from both of us – Anne.

  41. Thankyou for liking (and hopefully reading 🙂 my blog earlier, I note that you have worked in politics, as I do too in my country, I would be interested in connecting more, perhaps. Best wishes and check back again if you are interested in more from my part of the world in future, in Northern Ireland.

  42. Terese says:

    Don, thank you for stopping by to read and like my post. I look forward to reading your blog. God bless you richly as you continue to teach others about our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ!

  43. Thank you for stopping by our blog! Please join us when we continue our Bible study entitled Rebuilding the Temple. The study resumes on January 12, and will last until May 11. Thanks again! ~Ta`Mara

  44. Author Catherine Townsend-Lyon says:

    Thanks for stopping by my New Writer/Author Blog home! I’m enjoying your uplifting posts and I’m a new “Faith” fan 🙂 I wish I could say my childhood was “normal” and I write about it on my other *Recovery Blog* http://CatherineLyonAddictedToDimes.wordpress.com I continue my story from my book out now as an On-line Diary. *Merry Christmas Eve* 🙂

  45. Pingback: About the Author | Remnants of a past & future

  46. Pingback: Why I don’t debate anymore, either. | Cannot Contain

  47. gospelofbarney says:

    Thanks for dropping by, nice to see someone else with a broad slice of life and faith!

  48. 2ndhalfolife says:

    Thanks for the visit!

  49. Lisa V says:

    Thank you for liking my blog (InTransit99), and returning to read more. I hope you’re enjoying the story.

  50. Elaine says:

    Thank you for visiting my blog today and for the like. What a blessing! Look forward to reading some of your writing!

  51. Pingback: Without God | Here I Raise My Ebenezer

  52. Don, thanks for stopping by my blog. I like what I’m seeing here. Keep on keeping on.

  53. Naomi says:

    Hi Don,

    Just wanted to thank you for the kind encouragement you’ve provided to my blog lately, by liking many of my posts. I followed you today and just worked up the courage to give you a big thanks! On days when faith may be small and troubles loom, the encouragement of our brothers and sisters in Christ keeps us going.

    Thank you for making me feel welcome in cyberspace. 🙂

    Kind regards in Christ,

  54. Thank you for visiting my blog today. I’ve enjoyed reading your words here within. You are God’s pen, (not entirely true since you used a computer). Thank you for writing a site that is filled with the love of God. Be blessed! Meghan

  55. mbheri says:

    Thank you Sir, for visiting my blog and liking my post, am happy you found me, looking forward to your blog for growing in the Lord. I have a prayer request, please do remember me and my family in your prayers.

  56. Rayla-Jeanne says:

    Don, I noticed that you stopped by my blog site (Revelations and Insights) and “Liked” my post “Seeing Shape in Nature–Seeing God in Shape.” Thanks so much for the visit. I decided to check out your blog and LOVED your recent post on being a recovering premillenialist. I could so relate to your story starting with the avid reading of “The Late Great Planet Earth.” I have found my own recovery so aided by delving into the Hebrew roots of Christianity. So many of those niggling little inconsistencies have been dissolved. I’ll look forward to reading more from you.

  57. Joe M. says:

    Don, thanks so much for liking my post on prayer. I hope that you found it to be a blessing, and I hope that my future articles will be an encouragement to you as well!

  58. iamginamarie says:

    Thanks for the likes. I’ve enjoyed looking around your blog also.

  59. navigatingthroughscripture says:

    Hi Don,
    Thank you so much for liking my recent blog Stepping Into Community. I truly appreciate it. I just spent about an hour reading yours. You are such a blessing. I’m looking forward to feasting more as I follow your bog.

  60. camerozme says:

    Thank you for the “Like” for my post Sunday School lesson for March 2-eat your veggies! Have a great day!

  61. passionproud says:

    Glad you found one of my posts so that I could find you! Good stuff on your blog. Keep writing and encouraging us! And may our sainthood grow in numbers daily.

  62. God is Good says:

    Thank you for stopping by and reading.
    I love the fact that you have decided to start to write about things that you are passionate about!
    Blessings, and may you receive a 100 fold return on all that you have poured your life into thus far …
    God is Good!

  63. Don, thank you for the Like, and I’m glad I’ve come across your blog.

  64. Thanks for liking our stuff Don! We would love for you to share it on your page to get the word out there and help make this film happen! Again, thanks, from all of us at Daniel Waltz Films.

  65. Pleb-Deb says:

    Don, just wanted to give you a shout-out for being a wonderful encourager. Your bright yellow stars always bring a smile to my face. Thanks.

  66. lisa evola says:

    Hey Don, Thanks for the like! I think we have much in common – encouraging a meaningful daily walk with our Lord!

  67. labhrashealy says:

    Good afternoon Don -my time 17:35 Bedford UK – Well from your liking my post this morning, i got to look at your blog. I took the time to read your post “Jesus: Superior to the Angels”. I often wonder how easy it is for me to forget what it is I have inherited from God by being a co-heir with Christ. Thank you for liking my post this morning and I look forward to reading through your other posts.
    Kindest regards in Christ,

    • Don Merritt says:

      Hey Larry! Thanks so much for your kind comment. I’m with you on this one, I have that problem myself… and then pause to consider all we have in Christ; Amazing! incredible! How could I ever take it for granted? Thanks so muc for dropping in, i look forward to more of your work!


  68. joeyisared says:

    Thank you for dropping by my blog. I’m glad you did because it brought me here. Cheers!

  69. Hi – I’ve been reading your blog for a while and love the time I spend here.
    I wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for the Quartet of Radiance Award at http://brightbluebean.wordpress.com/2014/04/05/someone-likes-reading-my-blog/

  70. daylerogers says:

    I appreciate you liking my blog–which led me to yours. I value anyone who is courageous enough to speak truth without hesitancy. To present truth without holding back. To live truth even if it becomes uncomfortable. You make me think. I also appreciate that. Thank you for your kindness.

  71. Mary says:

    Don, thank you very much for reading my blog and for the “likes.” It’s always encouraging to be appreciated, especially when I’m preparing my next post!

  72. Nice to “meet” you Don. How are you? I’m glad you liked my post about sincerity. It sounds like you are posting some interesting things as well. If you have not already, I would like to personally invite you to follow my post. Also, I have posted the 1st chapter of my book “In His Glory, A Book of Miracles” to my website under sneak preview and I have posted an Easter goody for everyone under Lagniappe. Please take a look a look and let me know what you think. There is a link to my website on the blog. Have a blessed day.

  73. Don, thanks for stopping by my blog and reading my latest post. I hope to visit yours from time to time as well.

  74. Chris Brann says:

    HI Don, thanks for dropping bye. God bless you

  75. Thank you, Don. Thank you for reading my blog. Thank you for sharing your faith. You are a man of God – a seeker. God is with you.

  76. gatepuzzlers says:

    HI Don. Thanks for reading and liking my latest blog post. Its only because of that, I have found yours. So far I have read the post about the movie Noah (which provoked a bit of thought about how I see Jesus in the Biblical Noah story – yup I found him there), KJV (I struggle to really understand it too because the language is archaic) the First part of The Journey (more food for thought and I may just join you on the journey even if I am a bit late to the party). I haven’t had any formal Bible school training but I really enjoy learning more about God’s endless and all encompassing love which is found in Jesus.

  77. Hi… Eric here.

    I want to award you today

    The Love and Kindness Award

    Please click:

    More acts of love and kindness

    I hope that you will accept this award and if you like,
    take some time to share it with others.

    Thanks for your consideration.
    ~ Eric

  78. Be Inspired says:

    Thank you for liking my post. Your reading it is always much appreciated.

  79. Hopewell says:

    Don, thank you for stopping by my blog – which has in turn led me to yours! Looking forward to your continued explorations in the Word. Be blessed!

  80. Patricia Ann says:

    Thank you, Don, for stopping by for a snippet of My Precious Life. Your visit led me to you, and a ton of lovely reading. May I ask how you found me?

  81. Thanks for the like Don. I have liked you back and I’m now following your blog. Have a blessed day.

  82. Thank you for stopping by. Nice blog, neat point of views. I hope you come back by my site!

  83. This is beautiful and inspiring to read. Thank you!


  84. Joan Uda says:

    I liked your statement of your Life Project. As yes, we are works in process. I would describe it as life lived by grace–prevenient (preparing) grace; accepting (justifying) grace; sustaining (sanctifying) grace, all learned through my Methodist upbringing and adult (and I hope fairly mature Christian faith nurtured by John wesley’s thought. Thanks.

  85. Kim says:

    Hi Don…thanks for stopping by “Unwalled”….glad that my post “The Gospel Message Rap Style” was a blessing to you….you’re welcome to visit again……:)…….Kim

  86. I’m impressed with your site. I love that you taught seminary. Thank you for liking a post of mine I’m just getting started and trying to figure out WordPress, so it will be very humble for a while. What is your favorite bible? I would like to follow your example.

  87. babarahs says:

    Its nice knowing you like my weirdness…

  88. veronicahaunanifitzhugh says:

    thank you for liking hottie jesus “welcome.” 🙂

  89. lifehelps says:

    Hello, Don. Thank you for liking “What do you want?” on hisdeeplove. I like the idea of presenting simple faith to people. Keep writing; I’ll come back to read from time to time. Meanwhile, I invite you to drop in from time to time. Hannah

  90. gerardsixdays says:

    Congratulations on your work. Excellent. Thanks also for the support, we appreciate it, especially as we are ‘new on the block.’ Blessings

  91. babarahs says:

    Thanks again…

  92. janettanton says:

    Thanks for liking my blog. Yours has a lot of inspiring ideas!

  93. ptl2010 says:

    Hi Brother Don, thanks for visiting ChristianBlessings at http://ptl2010.com
    I have been blessed and uplifted by the Lord’s work through you and your blogs.
    Blessings to you
    Evelyn Goh

  94. gerardsixdays says:

    Mr Don, you are a blessing to us. As beginners, we do appreciate your interest. Blessing on your work, I can see you are a professional, even in the quality of the blog. Greetings, Gerard and Alida.

  95. rhalliman says:

    Don, thank you for liking my blog “Musings.” I’m a bit new at blogging. Any words of advice are appreciated.

    • Don Merritt says:

      I’m glad you stopped by! The best thing I can tell you is to read ‘Blogging 101 and 201″ on “The Daily post” which is an in-house blog done by WP… if you haven’t seen it yet… and do what they tell you. They know what they’re talking about, and I wish I had done some of those things years sooner!

  96. Mel says:

    Thank you for visiting my blog, I’m really glad that it led me here. I’m enjoying reading your posts.

  97. jesusgirl7774 says:

    Hi Don! I read through the first couple of blog posts on the “Spiritual Journey”, and am excited to continue reading through them! You are clearly a devoted follower of Christ, and I am looking forward to the edification process which I am certain to experience as I begin my own journey into taking a more intentional look into my spiritual discipline. I want people to see and hear Christ, not Dawn – when they read my words and when we meet face to face! Thank you for being a part of that process. I especially loved the action steps you outlined in your post on Personal Prayer.

  98. clairet703 says:

    Hi Don! Thanks for your like. It’s ‘s always nice to come across brothers and sisters in Christ (especially when they have great sites to explore!)

  99. Chris Brann says:

    Thank you for the bible studies / Reflection
    Such a god given gift.

  100. jadedgrace says:


    Tthank you for reading my post/blog. I hope you enjoyed it as I enjoy yours.

  101. jmarkfox says:

    Thanks for consistently “liking” my posts, Don! I have enjoyed reading your blog as well. Keep up the great work.

  102. Hi Don,

    I am a new blogger recently started and i am glad to have found your blog. Your posts are inspiring to write more. Thank you and keep continuing the good work!

  103. diannaspage says:

    Thank you for visiting my Blog. I look forward to hearing what is on your mind next.

  104. Is your book written by yourself? 🙂

  105. LisaV says:

    Thanks for stopping by again, Don 🙂 Appreciate the continued support. Hope things are going well in your endeavors.

  106. I have nominated you for a Very Inspiring Blogger Award, participation in strictly voluntary. Your gift really inspires others. Thank you for lifting us up continuously. http://denisethorntonxo.wordpress.com/2014/07/15/nominated-very-inspiring-blogger-award-thank-you/

  107. Elouise says:

    Thanks so much for the like on my post today. I’ve looked around a bit–very nice combination of projects and pursuits you love. I especially enjoyed a few of your more personal stories.

  108. Marion Cheek says:

    Thanks for your “follow” your story looks interesting – I’ll have to come back later and read more

  109. kalpaword1 says:

    Thank you for liking my post – So what does God sound like?

  110. Meredith says:

    I’m happy to nominate you for the One Lovely Blogger Award.

    • Don Merritt says:

      Meredith, thank you so very much! I really don’t quite know what to say…

      It means a great deal to me that you would be so kind as to think of me for an award, but since The Life Project is “award free” I’m afraid I must decline.

      Please understand that this in no way detracts from my appreciation of your kind thoughts, and to be honest with you, such kindness is a very great encouragement for me, and thus, I appreciate your thought more than I really know how to express: Thank you so much!

  111. balasamson says:

    Don: Thank you for stepping into my blog and reading my post on ‘Golden rules!’ it’s great to be appreciated from people though very far away…….Thanks again…..

  112. Journeyman says:

    Your “Welcome to The Life Project!” summarizes the journey about which I am also blogging…as you know from your visits and humbling remarks…May the Spirit guide us both in finding Jesus and spreading His good News.

  113. PhilipMac says:

    Hi Don. First, thank you for liking some of my illustrations on Abstract Psalms.

    I have been reading your blog and took in the podcast for the first time today. The inquisitorial and interactive nature of it appeals to me and is a refreshment. The issue of ‘command’ and love’ as motivations for obeying Jesus is one I have been pondering from another angle as well – so it has really got me thinking…. may your work bear much fruit, as I suspect is the case already. Warm regards indeed. Philip.

  114. I signed up to “follow” in hopes that I’d get your message in my email every day. Is there something else I need to do?

  115. lovessiamese says:

    HI, Don. Thank you for looking at my blog, Life Lessons Book Nook. I will be following your blog, It is so refreshing to have another honest, compassionate site that shares the gospel and encourages people. We all need encrouagement. By the way, you have the same name as a missionary our church supports. He and his wife, Carol, perform music, much of which they write themselves. They travel to small churches and help out any way they can while blessing the church with their music. They may be on hiatus now, though, due to health problems. Once again, thank you so much for coming to my blog. May our Lord continue to bless you as you serve Him.

    • Don Merritt says:

      Thank you so much! I really appreciate your comments, and to hear about the missionary connection. Last time somebody told me about somebody with the same name as me, it was a guy under indictment for tax fraud in Detroit… this is much better! 🙂

  116. jmjstb says:

    Hi Don,
    Thanks for visiting our blog. Thanks for being the voice of the Gospel too. There are just too much noise out there in our world that being true to Jesus is so essential. May the Lord bless you in all that you do.

  117. Jennifer says:

    Hi! Thank you for stopping by my blog! 🙂 I really appreciate what you have here and thank you for your proclaiming of what’s truly important. God bless,


  118. You recently visited my blog and “liked” one of my posts. Thank you for that! Your about page really speak about you. You have great experience in many fields. Best wishes and prayers

  119. I am humbled that you take the time to read my devotions. God has already rewarded you richly but I’m asking him to bless you even more.

  120. pj says:

    Thanks so much for “liking” my Born Again. . .” post today. I know you’ve liked some of my posts before and I thought i was following you! Apparently not, but I am now! Have a blessed day!

  121. Ken says:

    Reading articles on your blog didn’t feel like ‘mere reading’, Don. You talked to me, gently, and, as I see it, with concern. Of course, the general purpose of reading is to listen to an author, and in that sense it is natural to ‘feel’ being talked to, but this was different. It was personal. Real. God bless you for writing. Continue to do so in Christ, and for His glory. He must be doing amazing things with what He enables you to share! Thank you for visiting the blog I just started (peektopeak.wordpress.com).

  122. DeShannon says:

    Hugs and Blessings. Thank you. Victory is yours

  123. Don,
    Thanks for checking out and liking my post (Tent-Maker by [God’s] Choice on Politics & Religion). Blessings on your ministry.

  124. sometimeisitandthinksometimesisit says:

    beauty in life!

  125. Anonymous says:

    Thank you, Don, for your insights and lessons, and also for following my blog (messianicmoments.wordpress.com) as I just start to enter this world of blogging and ministry. I appreciate what you do and hope to be able to spread God’s word and lessons as well as you have been doing.

  126. I love the premise of your site Don! Thanks for following. I enjoyed my visit to your site today as well and will be following you as well.

  127. Just found your blog, co incidence I am not sure all I know is that it spoke to me and it has helped me to rise from my slumbers in a way as your words on taking action , about reading Matthew and your thought on how to pray have been welcomed into my heart , welcomed home really and for this I thank you.
    Kind Regards and Happy Days to you. Kathy.

  128. KellerTxDad says:

    Don – thank you for visiting my blog and for liking my photo-a-day post. I look forward to following your posts. God bless you!

  129. andih94 says:

    Thanks for visiting my blog. It’s a real encouragement for me. I am enjoying yours and hope to learn a lot! Bless you .

  130. Chris Brann says:

    I wonder what your thoughts are on this
    Question which came up in bible study today
    Is soul and spirit the same or different?
    What is the bodies connection to either or both?
    Is the soul the mental part of the body?
    Is the soul and spirit them same?
    Which parts are eternal?
    Is the body a living thing without the mental part?
    God breathed in the Spirit, so is the Spirit God in us or part of us linked to God?

    • Don Merritt says:

      Hey Chris,

      I think it’s safe to say that the answers to most of your questions will depend on one’s doctrinal point of view,. As for me, I would see the terms soul and spirit as being used interchangeably most of the time in the context of human existence. The combining of body and soul is that a human is a soul in a body, not a body with a soul. I don’t see the soul as the mental part of the body, but I would say that the soul contains the human consciousness that includes higher mental functions such as reasoning and will. The eternal part of a human is the soul (spirit). It would seem that there are cases in which a human body lives on when the cognitive mental functions are severely damaged, so as a scientific question, I would say that a body is a living thing without the mental function remaining intact, as long as the motor function isn’t too badly compromised. In the beginning, God breathed his spirit into Adam. Both he and Eve were told that if they ate of the forbidden tree, they would surely die; they did it anyway, so they were expelled from God’s presence and lost their relationship with him due to their sin, and eventually they died physically. It seems to me that spiritual death happened immediately when they sinned, losing what God had given them, and that was only restored when Jesus took sin away from us by the cross. As hs followers, we receive the indwelling of the spirit again, restoring that which was lost in the garden. Well, that’s the quick and easy version, anyway.

  131. bcaudle77 says:

    Good work Don! Praise God!

  132. sarahsugden1 says:

    Thank you so much for all your great writings, and thanks for liking my post on The Screwtape Letters! You are an inspiration and I’m humbled you took the time to look at my blog. Thanks again so much!

  133. You are embarked upon a worthy project.:0)It is us ordinary folk through whom God chooses to glorify Himself. May He be glorified in you and may your work be according to His purpose.

  134. applegold says:

    Don….We don’t know each other, but I am enjoying what you are writing. You are helping me to look up and look outward. This is good. Thank you for your thoughtful and heartfelt posts. I really appreciate what you are sharing.

  135. Merry Hearts Medicine says:

    Thank you for liking my post about “Being Complete.” Have a great day!

  136. Elaine says:

    Thanks for the follow on my blog! I haven’t written of late but hope to get back to it again, Lord willing.

  137. gaustin00 says:

    Thanks Don for stopping by my blog page and encouraging me as I seek to make the scriptures relevant to today. Enjoy reading about your new venture back into writing about your passion: God, hope, faith, understanding and encouragement for others. May the Lord bless you as you fulfill this dream.

  138. Hi! I believe you’ve liked a few of my posts here and there (much appreciated) – I immensely enjoy your blog and recommended it on mine through the Starlight Blogger nomination process (http://thesamaritansong.com/2015/07/18/the-starlight-blogger-award/). You’re under no obligation to participate, so please don’t worry about that – I just wanted you to know instead that the Revelation material in particular is a blessing and you are being upheld in prayer!

  139. Don – thanks for your “like” on one of my posts at http://nigelbaileyblog.com/2015/07/24/day-21-netley-the-world-is-our-parish/ – I’m always fascinated how people somehow manage to find their way to my little blog. We seem to share some interests in terms of faith and photography, so perhaps some of the keywords have been picked up somewhere along the line. Anyway, I just wanted to say “hello” and encourage you to keep writing. Every blessing, Nigel

  140. lifehelps says:

    Hello, Don.
    Thank you for visiting hisdeeplove.wordpress.com and liking “Awesome Honor.” I hope you will visit again.
    I have enjoyed my short tour of your site: Very interesting.
    All peace, joy and hope be yours in Jesus.

  141. It’s really good to get to know a little of yourself. And thanks for liking my Christian Life Coach Post.

  142. Thanks for the visits to my blog and the “like”.

  143. rolerrol says:

    Hi Don

    Thank you so much for visiting kingspeech. I appreciate it much. I look forward to coming back and reading what you learned. God bless you and your family.


  144. childrenswriter100 says:

    Love your blog Don Merritt. Why, it’s chockful of good stuff. Thank you for being obedience to the King and thank you for liking my post – https://faithjourneynow.wordpress.com/2015/09/03/when-people-call-you-crazy/.

  145. avidosrev says:

    Hey my brother thanks all the honor and glory is for HIM only, but I really like the quality that I’m getting here praise God! True worshipers that is what God is looking for, humble and broken hearts for what was done that day in that cross.

  146. Don, I have nominated you for the Dedicated Blogger Award.

    “This Award is dedicated to those bloggers who consistently provide wisdom, inspiration, kindness, gentleness and truth to the world through their blogs.”


  147. Matthew says:

    Hey I hope you don’t mind but I choose you for the Creative Blogger Award! God bless you.

  148. Great work here! Thanks for sharing the words of Jesus, it’s what we needed.

    God bless you!

    Keep writing!

  149. SamuelSThorp says:

    Greetings, Don Merritt.

    Thank you for following my blog and for liking various of my posts – the encouragement is appreciated. Have now followed you in response and look forward to reading some of your posts.


    Samuel S. Thorp

  150. Jet says:

    Thanks for stopping by my new blog, Sir! And you are the first person who made me realize that my mom has also been around for half a century. Before, I simply thought she’s golden. 🙂

    • Don Merritt says:

      When I was a little kid, my Dad told me that ladies never go beyond 29, so I’m sure your Mom is looking and feeling great at 29 🙂 (Half a century sounds really long, doesn’t it?)

      • Jet says:

        Yeah. She definitely feels like 29. But half a century isn’t that bad. It’s a long time to be around but we can always use the sage advice of those who has been around that long. 🙂

  151. Hey, I just wanted to tell you that your blog is at the top of my list of blogs that I follow. Your photography and lessons in God and life abound in inspiration. Are you a member of Inspire, a Christian writers forum? I just joined and am forming an online writers critique group for devotional/inspirational Christian writers. Interested in joining us? You would have so much to offer.

    I would also be blessed to reblog your writing, giving you full credit, on my site @
    OneHeart Publications pages I intend to create.

    Margaret Montreuil
    Writing for those who love God

    • Don Merritt says:


      First of all, thank you so much for your kindness and encouragement.

      No, I’m not a part of any sort of writers’ group; I’ve never really thought of myself as much of a writer, and certainly I’m not in your league!

      I would be interested in hearing more about your group, but I’m not sure what I’d have to contribute… I have so much to learn. 🙂 If you should find something here you’d want to re-blog, you are welcome to with or without attribution; all I really care about is giving glory to God.

      Thanks again for your kind remarks; I appreciate your encouragement more than you can imagine.


  152. You are a Christian writer, Don. Hello.

  153. Hi Don,
    Thanks for liking my post, ‘OakY-DokY’. If you don’t mind me asking, how did you find it, or what tag/category did you search to bring it up? Anyway, thank you and may you have a blessed holy week.

  154. Don,

    Thanks for stopping by BigSisterKnows recently.

    I just read one of your recent posts and really enjoyed it. I like that you’re focusing on making the great lessons of faith simple. God is complex, but His love isn’t complicated. I look forward to reading more.

    May God bless you in all your endeavors.


  155. Hi Don, Thanks for stopping by my blog (On a Journey) and liking my “Sight” post. I am still searching for my blog voice, so I doubly appreciate “likes.”

  156. joelkime says:

    Thanks for liking so many of my posts!

  157. Rollin Miller says:

    Thanks for visiting and giving a “like” on that great music video “Jesus We Love You”

    I wish I could sing like him.

  158. Rollin Miller says:

    Thanks for stopping by and giving me a couple of more likes.

  159. Hi Don, thanks for stopping by my blog (on a journey) and liking. Your blog inspries me adn reminds me to stay focused on the awesomeness of our God. Thanks

  160. rebornicity says:

    Don, you have been nominated for Liebster Awards! https://petehendriksson.wordpress.com/2016/06/22/liebster1/

    • Don Merritt says:

      first and foremost, I thank you for thinking of me for such an award. Yet, mine is an “award free” site. Even so, I simply can’t tell you how much I appreciate both your kindness and thoughtfulness in making the nomination: thank you!

  161. Kristi Ann says:

    Wonderful Video Brother in Christ Jesus ( Yeshua ) Don!! 😀

    Love ❤ Always and Shalom. YSIC \o/

    Kristi Ann

  162. Hi. Thanks for liking our newest post Love, Faith and Works are Tough, But God Makes a Way on our blog http://www.lifeistoughbutgodalwaysmakesaway.wordpress.com Glad the post ministered to you and look forward to your return visits and comments. Be blessed!

  163. Hi Don! thank you so much for the like! Appreciate it! 🙂

  164. nicci kelly says:

    Thank you for your inspiring words and encouragement from the Word of God. I’m entering seminary this fall and excited about the journey ahead. When you have a chance, please check out my blog revealed8.com. Looking forward to reading more from The Life Project!

  165. Thank you for visiting and liking my post. I am so glad it introduced me to your wonderful blog, I enjoyed reading a few of your post. Will continue to read others. So thankful to be able to share the love , grace and mercy of our Lord.

  166. hisnamebpraised says:

    Don, your recent post mentioned fellowship and the importance of it and how through the Grace of Jesus Christ, we can reenter into that fellowship with our Heavenly Father. I don’t know if there is such a thing as virtual fellowship but it is awesome to be able to make a connection through the internet. Also, thanks for stopping by hisnamebpraised and liking the post. Continued blessing to you and all who visit your site in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Take care, Doug

  167. yanbrent says:

    Thanks for reading my post Don. Hope you were blessed. ~shalom

  168. Greta Lamfel says:

    Hi Don

    Thanks for the follow! How have you been and how’s your blog doing?
    I don’t know if you know that I moved my blog to a self-hosted platform. This has prevented me from connecting with WordPress bloggers like I used to. I would still like to remain in contact with your blog. Do you have an RSS feed I can subscribe to?
    If you would still like to follow my blog, may I add you to my mailing list? I send out one email per day with all the blogs posted for the day including blogging tips. You can also unsubscribe at any time if you feel you want to stop receiving the emails. If you are happy for me to subscribe you, please send me your email address.
    Also, I created a blogger tips group to connect with all my long last WordPress blogger friends, and to help all of us to learn from each other. I would love for you to share your knowledge in the group and connect with other bloggers. Here’s the link:
    Blogger Tips Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1601156120192716/)

    Finally, here’s a blog I thought you may find interesting:
    The Ripple Effect of Blogging

    Best regards,
    Founder of Healthy Living

  169. PneumaWord says:

    Thank you so, so much, for reading and liking our posts. You’ve done that several times and wanted to let you know, its really appreciated. THANK YOU! I remember reading and so much liked your “Proverbs and Gangs’ post, i reblogged it, nearly two years ago. Thank you Sir, kindest regards.

  170. I can’t read your posts anymore because I can’s see the white on black. I wish I could.

  171. I located you today through Lorne Anderson’s blog. I would like to reblog two (because of the length factor) of your recent studies on Luke at Christianity 201. I was thinking of something like two from March 2, or 3; or some other combination of your choosing. There would be links back to your blog for people who want to continue further with you.

  172. For the person with the comment ahead of mine, the Firefox add-on they want is called “Invert Colors.” It takes about 3 seconds to download and then appears as an icon in the very top right corner. Converts each browser tab individually, and goes both ways.

  173. Laura Elizabeth says:

    Thanks for stopping by and reading some of my blog! Have a great week!

  174. Hi Don, I thought maybe you and your followers might be interested in this. I’m giving away my devotional eBook for the next few days. It’s a 40 day devotinoal for people struggling in their faith. Thanks in advance! Gene

  175. Ogoe says:

    Hello Don! Thanks for stopping by my blog. God bless you for sharing insightful thoughts on our Christian life.

  176. Hi,
    I hope you don’t mind me reblogging some of your posts occasionally. If you prefer I don’t, I apologize and will refrain from doing so in the future. But, if you don’t mind, thank you, sometimes you say things I am thinking better than I would so thank you for that. I pray that God continues to use you with your blog and other activities.


  177. Thank You! I think doing so will spread the Word and the blessings.

  178. fairchild7 says:

    Hi Don: I took a few days off … needed a breather … just made a new post this morning … hope all is well … I always appreciate the encouragement of your stopping by. God bless. Chris

  179. Cindy Dawson says:

    Hey Don! I would love to join your Martian Church! Can’t wait to read more! Great idea! Thanks for visiting my blog. Come back soon and God bless you every day.

  180. Bruce says:

    Hi Don, through God’s grace I have encountered your blog for the first time and I see that you are a teacher of God’s Word, and a very good one at that. This is rare and so I feel as though I’ve kinda found something special. I’ve read a number of your posts and thoroughly enjoy your writing style and discernment with regard to digging into God’s Word. I’m really looking forward to learning more. Grace and blessings my friend.

  181. hisnamebpraised says:

    Don, thank you for visiting hisnamebpraised and liking Tripping on the Cross. May you and all who visit this wonderful site be blessed in the Name of Jesus Christ.

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